Activity of Carl Schuricht in St. Louis

Thanks to Mr.Jay Schankman of the St. Louis Concert Web and his grandfather

In a book entitled "Symphony and Song - The Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra" written by Katherine Gladney Wells, there is following description.

For four years (1927-1931) after the departure of Rudolph Ganz, the orchestra performed under various guest conductors....
These men were William Van Hoogstraten, Carl Schuricht, a conductor perhaps better known in Germany than in America...

In an interview when Schuricht visited US with VPO in 1956, he talked as follows,

"I was over here in 1927 or 1928. I had a series in St. Louis.
But I caught cold coming over and I directed only one concert. Then tensilitis, and back I went."
(The New York Times 4 Nov., 1956)

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