Episodio con Ataulfo Argenta (2)

Courtesy Ms. Pilar O'Connor Blasco and Mr. Fernando Argenta

Esta es una anecdota, contada telefõnicamente, por Fernando Argenta, hijo del grandirector español.
Fernando Argenta no este muy seguro respecto a algunos datos y le gustaria confirmarla con Mme. Schuricht, pero la historia, basicamente, es esta.

"No se sabe exactamente el número de lecciones que Carl Schuricht dio a Ataulfo Argenta. Debieron ser muy pocas y mas que lecciones en si, quizas fueran cuestiõn de matices. Carl Schuricht le consideraba casi como a un hijo y comparando la forma de dirigir de los dos grandes directores, se puede decir que era muy parecida, practicam ente identica.
Sobre esto último parece ser que estando un día el Maestro Schuricht en su casa en Suiza, puso la radio y allí empezõ a sonar el "Requiem Aleman" de Johannes Brahms. Era un concierto en directo y, al escuchar aquella versiõn del "Requiem" , Carl Schuricht dijo:
Si no fuera porque estoy aquí, diría que soy yo el que esta dirigiendo ese concierto. Despuis añadiõ: Y si no soy yo, el que dirige sõlo puede ser uno: Ataulfo Argenta. Al terminar el "Requiem" de Brahms, el locutor radiofõnico dijo que aquel era un concierto dirigido por Ataulfo Argenta."

English translation

This is an anecdote that Fernando Argenta, the great Spanish conductor's son, told me by phone.
He is not very sure about some parts of the story, and he would like confirming it with Mrs. Schuricht.
However, the story is, basically, like this:

We don't know exactly how many lessons Ataulfo Argenta took from Carl Schuricht, but probably they were only a few, and they cannot be considered as usual "lessons" as a matter of fact. There maybe a few questions for minor detail.
Carl Schuricht appreciated Ataulfo Argenta very much, like a son. Both conductors had similar way of conducting orchestras. In fact, people who could see Schuricht and Argenta said so.
About this, there is the anecdote as follows:
One day Carl Schuricht was at home, in Switzerland. He decided to put on the radio and when he did it, Eine Deutsche Requiem by Johannes Brahms started to sound. It was a live concert. When Schuricht listened the radio concert, he said
"If I were not here at home, I could say it is myself who is conducting this Requiem by Brahms."
And he continued saying that if it was not himself, it could be only one person, Ataulfo Argenta.
When the live concert finished, the announcer said "This is a concert conducted by Ataulfo Argenta."

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