Video Archive

Here, some short mpeg video files of Carl Schuricht are available
under the copyright agreement with each copyright holders.
You can download them only to enjoy yourself.
If you want to get a complete video, or want to use these files,
please consult with each copyright holders indicated.

If you find any other new videos, please send it to the webmaster!

  1. Stravinsky's "Firebird"-1 (17 seconds, 1.1MB).

  2. Stravinsky's "Firebird"-2 (17 seconds, 1.1MB).

  3. Mozart's Haffner symphony, 4th movement (17 seconds, 1.0MB) from "Das Deutsche Mozartfest 1956".

  4. Rehearsal for Brahms' sym.3 (13 seconds, 0.8MB) from "Carl Schuricht:Porträt eines Lebens".

  5. Les 40 ans de l'OSR

Mrs. Martha Schuricht

These video films have been released from Hänssler Classics (93.902).

5. Next video wanted!

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